Dr. Elizabeth Blackstone (aka Pamela) has immersed herself in the Healing Arts since 1996 when she first discovered Hatha Yoga. Since then, Dr. Blackstone has studied, practiced, lived and mastered a multitude of extraordinary healing disciplines which she creatively blends together into a powerful cornucopia of wellness experiences for her clients. Her healing modalities include hatha yoga, Reiki energy work, body-mind-spirit guidance, crystal healing, sound healing, emotional clearing, bodywork, fitness, nutrition, meditation, and animal healings. In addition, Dr. Blackstone’s ability to read, intuit and psychically work with the physical body and its universal life-force energy is positively unique, profound and unprecedented. Clients of all ages, children through seniors, have noted her work to be “magical, transformative, life-changing, awe-inspiring, and pure sunshine!”

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Below are the modalities used in Dr. Blackstone’s fusion sessions.

Body-Mind-Spirit Guidance

Universal life force energy is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. Love is everywhere. In our body-mind-spirit guidance sessions, we explore areas where you may not feel these qualities, but rather feel limited, stuck and unfulfilled. We safely explore old belief patterns which keep you from moving freely with grace and ease, and approach new ways of being to inspire healing, regeneration, self-discovery and self-celebration!

Crystal Healing

An incredible energy-based healing system can be found within mother nature’s oldest gems and dates as far back as 6,000 years ago. All of our earth’s precious crystals have particular healing properties and sacred meanings which assist in clearing and balancing our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Their unique and highly vibrational powers assist in raising our consciousness, opening our chakras and guiding us on our spiritual paths.

Emotional Clearing

Freedom comes from learning how to acknowledge our feelings, be in observation with them, experience them safely and lovingly, and in turn, give them permission to release. The letting go process allows for healing on all levels and makes room for love, worthiness and fulfillment. When we hang on to old feelings such as fear, doubt, worry, anger, hurt and resentment, we can manifest these emotions as “dis-ease” or disease in the physical body. Through our conscious and subconscious work to release trapped emotions, our bodies reconnect with their own natural healing powers and open us to a new world of life possibilities.


We are human beings, not human doings. Practicing stillness is paramount. In our still-point meditation practice, we remember the essence of what already dwells and thrives within – love. What separates you from your truth? What keeps you from your wholeness? We are all here to live in love, so dive in and be your bliss.

Movement and Dance

Even within the depths of our practice of meditation and stillness, we are in constant motion. We are always flowing with life-force energy through our breath, heartbeat, circulation, and more. As such, we must embrace and embody fluidity. Any aspect of inertia will weaken us and make us rigid and brittle. By tapping into the wisdom of the body through organic, intuitive and multi-dimensional movements, we access the fullness of who we are, build grace and strength, and discover our truest potential.


Reiki, or universal life-force energy, is a Japanese energy healing technique codified in the late 19th century. In the practice of Reiki, the practitioner gently places hands on or near various energy centers of the body and works as a conduit for the healing energy to flow. Through the transfer, absorption and integration of this energy, the body begins to release energetic blockages and open to its own natural healing powers. Benefits include increased energy, clarity of mind, peacefulness, pain and stress relief, increased healing potential of chronic conditions, and an overall sense of relaxation and calm.

Sound Healing

Everything on our planet and beyond has a vibrational frequency, including our bodies. Utilizing the sound vibrations of gongs, bells, singing bowls, chimes, tuning forks, the voice and much more, we can slow down brain waves and elicit a deep restorative state. In turn, this helps boost our immune system, reboot our body’s natural healing capabilities, and bring forth a much needed state of peace.

Yoga and Body Fitness

Regenerating through gentle hatha yoga and conscious fitness strengthening, brings harmony and vitality to our overall being. Yoga is defined as “to yoke or to join together,” and through this inspired practice, we experience the uniting of the body, mind, and spirit. Additionally, it unites our individual selves with universal consciousness. Our practice consists of breathing techniques to calm and center the mind, physical postures to develop strength and flexibility, body-mind-spirit philosophy to promote deep awareness, and meditation to ground us in our truth. Yoga practice can be used to help heal physical and/or emotional injury, develop our sense of well-being, confidence and empowerment, and deeply connect us with the art of relaxation!